Czech Republic, Czech Spas, Jachymov
Room types: Apartment, Double room
  • Notes

    • Check in 14:00, Check out 11:00. 
      Treatment only from 18 y.o.
  • Reservations

    Check availability and prices

    From: Till: Persons: Children:
    1. Child age: 2. Child age: 3. Child age: 4. Child age:


    • Apartment

      Basic Radon Teatment, Fullboard and Treatment
        10/09/24 - 17/09/24
        Service cannot last less then 13 days
        Service is not available in chosen period.
      • Double room

        IA - Basic Radon Teatment, Fullboard and Treatment
          10/09/24 - 17/09/24
          Double room
          Service cannot last less then 13 days
          Service is not available in chosen period.
        • Double room

          IA Plus - Basic Radon Teatment, Fullboard and Treatment
            10/09/24 - 17/09/24
            Double room
            Service cannot last less then 13 days
            Service is not available in chosen period.
        • Price list is valid from 02.01.2019 to 02.01.2020


          Per person per nightMin. personsMin stay02.01. - 15.04.
          16.11. - 23.12.
          15.04. - 16.11.
          23.12. - 02.01.
          1. Apartment Basic Radon Teatment
          Fullboard and Treatment
          213 67.00 76.00
          2. Double room IA - Basic Radon Teatment
          Fullboard and Treatment
          113 66.00 79.00
          213 59.00 65.00
          3. Double room IA Plus - Basic Radon Teatment
          Fullboard and Treatment
          113 68.00 85.00
          213 61.00 68.00
        • Destination description

          Jachymov is a lovely town on the southern slope of the fabulous Ore Mountains (Krušné hory) 150km away from Prague and 20 km fromKarlovy Vary located at an elevation of about 650m above the sea level. It is the unique place, famous for its powerful underwater thermal springs and a vast number of minerals discovered (about 230 types).

          In 1895 the scientists Becquerel and the Curies’ studied the radioactive effect using the natural minerals produced in Jachymov uranium minings and in the process of their research work they managed to isolate a new element of the uranium named Radium. They were awarded the Noble Prize for this discovery in 1905. It was proved that Jachymov mineral springs have a high concentration of the unusual gas Radon and possess curative properties. Owing to this discovery the first and the unique radon spa resort Jachymov was founded. Today only one mine is operating, producing the main underground treasure, which is the curative water.

          The outcomes of Jachimov comprehensive methods of treatment exceed all expectations, besides the effect of treatment is maintained much longer than the one gained upon the medicamentous therapy. The comprehensive spa treatment includes curative nutrition and all types of basic dietary regimes. The main advantage of Jachimov spa treatment is that the water produced does not have any counter-indications and may be applied even in cases of hypertension, cardiac decompensation, impairment of circulation due to the temperature of water does not exceed 37C. The optimum composition of Jachimov radon water provides for efficient treatment based on the radon gas properties, i.e. radon is consumed via the skin, being the largest human body organ,. The water is supplied to the spa complexes 6 times a week and these complexes are equipped to protect the patients of the impact of radon undesirable decomposition side effects to the fullest extent. Jachimov spa treatment is stirring more and more interest in the entire world with every other year.   

          The Jáchymov spa offers a unique treatment of the locomotor system with the help of radon-rich mineral water.. The spa treatment helps with:

          • joint disorders
          • diseases of the peripheral nervous system and of the spine
          • with skin diseases
          • it improves conditions with diseases such as diabetes or gout
          • after traumatic incidences and with post-operational conditions
          • We are specialists in treating the Bechterew’s disease
        • Region description

          SPA TREATMENT and Czech SPA resorts
          Numerous mineral springs on the territory of the Czech Republic have been used for medicinal purposes since the 15th century. Located in picturesque natural landscapes, Czech spa resorts are attractive for their treatment and their unique spa architecture.

          The Czech Republic has about 40 certified spa resorts; the most famous are spa towns of Karlovy Vary, Mariánské Lázně, Františkovy Lázně, Jáchymov, Třeboň and Luhačovice. Each of the spa resorts has its specifics, and you are welcomed to each of them.

          Long before their official recognition by the emperor Charles IV in the 14th century, the healing power of the West Bohemian hot mineral springs was well known by the local inhabitants. For centuries, the European royalties, great artists, politicians and other celebrities of their time visited West Bohemian spa towns to seek treatment.

          Hot mineral spring water together with modern, as well as centuries proven, procedures have been successfully used to treat diseases of stomach, bowels, liver, metabolism, as well as respiratory organ diseases, women diseases and problems of circulatory system. Modern hydro-procedures have been used to successfully reduce weight and cellulite. Treatment is administered completely naturally, without the use of pills or artificial chemicals.

          Where to treat and what
          In the Czech Republic it is possible to treat everything because every one of the 36 spas have specialization in different afflictions or a group of afflictions. Whatever your afflictions you will find spas where you can get rid of them. (for a full description see in the enclosed file)
          • Gastrointestinal tract diseases: Karlovy Vary, Luhačovice
          • Oncological Deseases (For Recuperation After a Treatment Only): Karlovy Vary, Mariánské Lázně, Luhačovice
          • Diseases of circulatory system: Františkovy Lázně, Poděbrady, Teplice, Jeseník
          • Diseases caused by metabolic and endocrinological disorders: Karlovy Vary, Poděbrady, Luhačovice, Mariánské Lázně
          • Non- specific diseases of respiratory system: Mariánské Lázně, Luhačovice, Jeseník
          • Neurological disorders: Jánské Lázně, Jáchymov, Teplice, Lázně Belohrad
          • Diseases of musculoskeletal system: Jáchymov, Teplice, Třeboň, Lázně Bělohrad, Piešťany (Slovak Republic)...
          • Diseases of urinary tract: Mariánské Lázně
          • Mental disorders: Jeseník
          • Skin diseases: Smrdáky (Slovak Repulic), Lázně Lipová
          • Female diseases: Mariánské Lázně, Františkovy Lázně

          CZECH SPAS - indications overview
        • Country description

          Czech Republic
          Before travelling to a destination you have never been to before, it is advisable to get hold of some basic information in order to avoid unpleasant surprises. We have prepared a summary of everything a foreigner might need in the Czech Republic. We will advise you what clothes you should take with you, how to connect to the Internet in the Czech Republic, what the Czech crown exchange rate is, which credit cards can be used, and also what sort of tips should be paid in restaurants…<<<

          Основная информация
          • Capital: Prague 
          • Population: 10 500 000  
          • Territory: 78 867 km²
          • Official language: чешский
          • Currency: Czech Crown.  
          • Time zone: UTC +1 (summer UTC +2)
        Public code
        • Check in 14:00, Check out 11:00. 
          Treatment only from 18 y.o.
        Apartment, Basic Radon Teatment, H-213-1
        Double room, IA - Basic Radon Teatment, H-213-2
        Double room, IA Plus - Basic Radon Teatment, H-213-3
        Please stand by...
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